"Artzy" Art during World War II
Unit Objectives
Objective 1: Students will learn to effectively analyze works of art from a specific time period in history.
Objective 2: Students will demonstrate a knowledge of literary terms used in reference to artwork, literature, and world history.
Objective 3: Students will demonstrate artistic competence in the following areas:
drawing human features
drawing/constructing machinery
juxtaposing human qualities and inanimate objects
illustrating written works
using a digital camera (optional)
Objective 4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships between world history and art history, specifically during the 1940's.
Objective 5: Students will analyze and utilize the direct effects of societal issues on artwork.
Objective 6. Students will effectively respond to various types of written works, with correct grammatical skills.
Objective 7: Students will research given topics that pertain to World War II, using a variety of resources, including, but not limited to, literary sources, visual sources, and the World Wide Web.
Objective 8: Students will demonstrate basic technical skills in using the Internet for research purposes.