"Artzy" Art during World War II

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Letter #5--Japanese response needed

Read the following letter from a civilian in the United States.  Write a 1-2 page response to this civilian as if you actually were a Japanese bomber pilot who had intercepted the letter, not as the person she is writing to.



Darling --

I started to re-read that great raft of letters I got from you

yesterday. It is a big job, particularly when it also involves rereading

other letters around the same time so I can get some

idea of the temporal sequence of your life, if any. Then I start

thinking of answers to things to say & end up by writing, not

reading. A very bad state of affairs, indicating disorganization of

personality, etc. etc. Also indicates obsessive love of husband

(tush tush), diversion of normal activities into phantazing (one

syllable missing?) of various sorts, abnormal dependence of

individual on persons or in this case person of opposite sex, etc.

etc. How I rant. This is what comes of writing by hand, and this

is the handwritten letter I send to you in return. Besides, I am

lying on the couch surrounded by your letters & could hardly

write otherwise.

I got some ready-shelled walnuts at the AP today & am girding

my loins for a big fudge-and-fury session. I know you like nuts.

Usually I have made nut-less fudge in the past. Today I also

deposited some 3000 odd coconuts in the bank at the corner,

got some papers notarized, shopped, did the laundry, wrote

letters to Day & Unk, mostly about the estate & am now

exhausted. I also had a beer with Virginia, & learned about

Charlie Chaplin's sex life from a friend of hers, a Carmel (Cal.)

girl. I had to see Virginia in the first place to borrow a dime to

run the washing machine. What a complicated life I lead! It's a

lovely springy day. All the windows are open & Kathy is lying in

the buggy in the living room with me. I washed all her bedding

Home Front and War Front: March 1944 1240

so she can't lie in it. (What an original speller I am). Marion

Gerson just called. She is getting married to Bob Cook

tomorrow. Now I have to buy her a gift & life gets ever more

complicated. I gave a Red Cross lady $10 at the bank this

morning, feeling very heiress-y. Now you don't have to give

anything. It is for us both. Maybe they will do you a good turn

some day, like getting you a book you want to read or a hot


Gosh, Marion called back & we have been talking for what

seems like hours. They are going to Boston until Bob's ship is

ready & then to Norfolk, poor things. This time last year you

were getting ready to go to Ritchie. As a matter of fact I know

exactly what you were doing a year ago today. You were waiting

on a street corner for me & I missed the bus from Falls Church

where we'd spent the night & I cried all the way home because

when I got to the corner you weren't there & I felt sorry for you &

afraid you were mad. (You weren't.) I remember the date

because I had the curse & since it was the last time I had it &

had to tell it to about 16 doctors so they could tell me when

Kathy was due I naturally remember everything very well. It's

funny how one treasures inconsequential bits of one's life, like

crying over a missed husband on a bus. I also remember the

waterfront place with the buns (buns b-u-n-s) you liked so well.

It was such a proper tea-roomy sort of place & I was always

trying to hold your hand under the table. I was always trying to

hold your hand everywhere & you were always pulling it away

because of one reason or another, having to do with status. I

didn't mind, or anyway, don't now.

I still haven't re-read all those letters. I'll try again tomorrow.

Now I have to feed our dear little girl, feed myself & make

formula. Kathy eats all her cereal now - about six oz. twice a

day, more than I would ever eat but I won't tell her. I put a lot of

sugar in it & she likes it that way. Kathy says "clean plates help

lick the Axis" & I hate her for it.

Darling, a million yearning kisses for you. I love you so much.

So does Kathy. Jill


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